
Some Common Abbreviations 본문

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Some Common Abbreviations

sonumb 2008. 3. 6. 22:26

Some Common Abbreviations

출처 :

abbr. - abbreviation, abbreviated abr. - abridged, abridgment
acad. - academic, academy adj. - adjective, adjourned, adjustment
adm. - administration, admiral adv. - adverb
agr. / agri. / agric. - agricultural, agriculture anon. - anonymous
app. - appended, appendix, appointed approx. - approximately
assn. - association b. - base, bass, bat, battery, bay, book, born, brother
bact. - bacteria, bacteriology bap. - baptized
bib. - Bible, biblical bibliog. - bibliographer, bibliography, bibliographic
biog. - biographer, biography, biographical biol. - biology
bk. - bank, block, book bkg. - banking
bldg. - building blvd. - boulevard
bot. - botanical, botany bp. - bishop
brig. - brigade, brigadier brig. gen. - brigadier general
bro. - brother bur. - bureaus
c.a. - chartered accountant, chief accountant, commercial agent, consular agent, controller of accounts cal. - calendar, caliber, small calorie
cap. - capital, capitalize capt. - captain
cath. - cathedral cc / cc. / c.c. - cubic centimeters
cent. - centigrade, centimeter, central, century cf. -  Latin confer = compare
ch. - chaplain, chapter, check (chess), chief, child, children, Latin chirurgia = surgery, church chap. - chaplain, chapter
chem. - chemical, chemist, chemistry chm. - chairman, checkmate (chess)
chron. - chronology cir. /circ. - circular, Latin circa = about
cit. - citation, cited, citizen civ. - civil, civilian
clk. - clerk cm / cm. - centimeter(s)
co. - company, county c.o. / c/o - care of, carried over
c.o.d. - cash on delivery, collect on delivery col. - collected, collector, college, colonel, colonial, colony, column
colloq. - colloquial, colloquialism com. - comedy, command, commandant, commerce, commercial, commission(er), committee, commodore, common, communication, community
comdr. - commander comr. - commissioner
comp. - compiler, compiled by con. - concerto, consolidated, consul
cond. - conductor, conducted by conf. - conference
cong. - congress consol. - consolidated
constr. - construction cont. - containing, contents, continent, continental, continue, continued
cont. / contd. - continued corp. - corporal, corporation
cp. - candlepower, compare cpl. - corporal
cr. - credit, creditor, creek crit. - criticism
ct. - carat, cent, court cu. - cubic
cwt. - hundredweight d. - dam (pedigrees), date, daughter, day(s), dead, democrat, density, diameter, died
d. - pence, penny dec. - deceased, declaration, declension, declination, decrease, Italian deprescendo = decreasing in loudness (music),
def. - definition, definite deg. - degree(s)
dep. - department, departure, deposit, depot, deputy dept. - department, deputy
der. / deriv. - derivation, derivative diag. - diagram
dial. - dialect dict. - dictionary
dim. - Italian diminuendo = diminishing in loudness (music) dipl. - diplomat, diplomatic
dir. - director, directed by disc. - discount, discovered
dist. - distinguished, district distr. - distribution, distributed by
div. - dividend, division, divorced dm / dm. - decameter, decimeter
do. - Latin ditto = the same doc. - document
doz. - dozen dpt. - department
dr. - debit, debtor, drachma, dram d.t. - delirium tremens, double time
dup. / dupl. - duplicate dwt. - pennyweight
e / e. - erg, errors (Baseball) ea. - each
eccl. / eccles. - ecclesiastical ecol. - ecology
econ. - economic, economics, economy ed. - edited, edited by, edition, editor
e.g. -  Latin exempli gratia = for example elec. / elect. - electric, electrical, electrician, electricity
elev. - elevation emp. - emperor, empire, empress
e.m.u. - electromagnetic unit enc. - enclosed
ency. / encyc. / encycl. - encyclopedia eng. - engineer, engineering, engraved
entom. / entomol. - entomologist, entomology esp. - especially
est. - established, estimate et al. - Latin et alibi = and elsewhere,
Latin et alii, et aliae = and others
etc. -  Latin et cetera = and so forth et seq. - Latin et sequens = and the following, Latin et sequentes or seqentia = and those that follow
ex. - examined, example exch. - exchange, exchequer
exec. - executive, executor ex lib. - Latin ex libris = from the books of
f - Italian forte = loud (music) f. - farad, father, farthing, fathom, feminine, fluid (ounce), folio, following, franc, frequency
fac. / fax - facsimile fed. - federal, federated, federation
fem. - female, feminine ff - Italian fortissimo = very loud (music)
ff. / fol. - folios, following fig. - figure
fin. - finance fl. - florin, flourished, fluid
fn. - footnote fr. - fragment, franc, from
ft = feet, foot ft. - fort
fwd. - foreword, foreword by g / g. / gm - gram
gal / gall. - gallon gaz. - gazette, gazetteer
gen. - gender, genera, general, genus geog. - geographer, geographical, geography
geol. - geologic, geologist, geology geom. - geometric, geometry
gloss. - glossary gov. - governor
govt. - government gr - grain(s), gram(s)
gram. - grammar, grammarian hab. corp. - Latin habeas corpus = that you have the body
her. - heraldry hist. - historian, historical, history
hort. - horticultural, horticulture hr - hour(s)
ht. - height ib. / ibid. - Latin ibidem = in the same place
id. - Latin idem = the same i.e. - Latin id est = that is
illus. - illustrator, illustration, illustrated by imp. - imperative, imperial, imports,
Latin imprimatur = let it be printed
in. - inch, inches inc. - including, income, incorporated
in loc. cit. - Latin in loco citato = in the place cited ins. - inches, insurance
inst. - instant, institute, institution intl. - international
introd. - introduction, introduced by is. - island, isle
jour. - journal jr. - junior
jud. - judicial k. - kilo, kilogram, thousand
kg - kilogram (note: no period after kg) kilo. - kilogram, kilometer
km - kilometer (note: no period after km) kt. - carat
kw - kilowatt (note: no period after kw) l - liter
l, ll - line, lines lab. - laboratory
lang. - language lat. - latitude
lb - Latin libra = pound l.c. - Latin loco citato = in the place cited
lib. - liberal, library, librarian lieut. / lt. - lieutenant
lit. - literally, literary, literature ltd. - limited
lon. / long. - longitude m. - male, married, meridian, Latin
= noon, meter, mile, minute, month
mach. - machine, machinist mag. - magazine
maj. - major mas. / masc. - masculine
math. - mathematician, mathematics mdse. - merchandise
mech. - mechanical, mechanics med. - medical, medicine, medieval
mem. / memo - Latin memento = remember, memorandum mfg. - manufacturing
mfr. - manufacture, manufacturer mg / mg. / mgm - milligram
mgr. - manager mi - miles, mill (note: no period after mi)
misc. - miscellaneous ml / ml. - milliliter
mm - millimeter(s), Latin millia = thousands mo. - month(s)
mod. - moderate, modern ms. / mss. - manuscript, manuscripts
mt. / mts. - mount, mountain, mountains mus. - museum, music, musician
n / nn - note, notes n. - noun
narr. - narrator, narrated by natl. - national
nav. - naval, navigation n.b. - Latin nota bene = mark well, take notice
n.d. - no date of publication neg. - negative
no. - number non seq. - Latin non sequitur = it does not follow
n.p. - no place of publication, no publisher n. pag. - no page number
obit. - obituary obj. - object, objective
op. cit. - Latin opere citato = in the work cited orch. - orchestra, orchestrated by
orig. - original, originally oz. - ounce (Italian abbrev. of onza)
p. / pp. - page, pages par. - paragraph, parallel
pat. /patd. - patent, patented pct. - percent
p.d. - Latin per diem = by the day pen. - peninsular
perf. - performer, performed by philos. - philosopher, philosophy
phys. - physical, physician, physicist, physics pl. - plate, plural
ppd. - postpaid, prepaid pref. - preface, preface by
prin. - principal, principle prod. - produced by, producer, production
pro tem. - Latin pro tempore = for the time being pron. - pronoun, pronunciation
pseud. - pseudonym psych. / psychol. - psychological, psychologist, psychology
pt - pint (note: no period after pt) pt. - part, payment, point, port
pub. / publ. - public, publisher, publication, published by pwt - pennyweight (note: no period after pwt)
q. - quarto, question qr. - quarter
qt - quart (note: no period after qt) qt. - quiet (slang)
qtd. - quoted ques. - question
quot. - quotation r.b.i. / rbi / RBI - run(s) batted in (Baseball)
quot. - quotation rec. - receipt, recipe, record, recorded
ref. - referee, reference, reformed reg. - regent, regiment, region, registered, registrar, regular, regulation
rel. - release rev. - review, reviewed by, revision, revised, revised by
riv. - river rpm - revolutions per minute
rps - revolutions per second rpt. - reprint, reprinted by
s. - saint, second, semi-, shilling, silver, sire, solo, son, soprano, south sc. - scene
sch. - school sci. - science, scientific, scientist
sculp / sculp. - sculptor, sculptural, sculpture sec - secant, second(s)
sec. / secy. - secretary sec. / sect. - section
ser. - series serg. / sergt. / sgt. - sergeant
[sic.] - thus in the source (exactly as quoted) sing. - singular
sol. - solicitor sp. - special, species, specific, specimen, spelling, spirit
sq. - square, sequence sub. - submarine, substitute, suburb
subj. - subject, subjective, subjunctive sup. - superior, supplement, supply, (Latin supra = above), supreme
supt. - superintendent surg. - surgeon, surgery
sym. - symbol, symphony syn. - synonym, synonymous
t. - temperature, tempo, (Latin tempore = in the time of), tenor, tense (grammar), territory, time, ton(s), town, transitive, troy (weight) tbs. / tbsp. - tablespoon
tel. - telegram, telegraph, telephone temp. - temperature, temporary
terr. - territory theol. - theologian, theological, theology
topog. - topographical, topography trans. / tr. - translated by, translation, translator
treas. - treasurer, treasury trig. / trigon. - trigonometric, trigonometry
tsp. - teaspoon twp. - township
ult. - ultimate univ. - universal, university
usu. - usually uv - ultraviolet (note: no period after uv)
v. - verb, verse, versus, Latin vide = see, voltage, von (German name) var. - variant
vb. - verb vers. - version
vet. - veteran, veterinary viz. - Latin videlicet = namely
vet. - veteran, veterinary vol. - volcano, volume
vox. pop. - Latin vox populi = voice of the people v.p. - vice president, vice principal
vs. / v. - Latin versus = against vs. / vss. - verse, verses
v.s. - Latin vide supra = see above wpm - words per minute
writ. - writer, written by wt - weight (no period after wt)
yd - yard(s) yr - year
zn = zinc  

For a complete list of Common Scholarly Abbreviations, please see Section 7.4 in the 6th edition of the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers.
